These are some of the images that were collated into folders to create the Little Sparrow site - A labour of love
The seat was used from 1986 until 2006
These two photos were taken in identical places, but over 37 years apart on the lawns of The State Library of Victoria
I got my first kit about this time
I got my first kit about this time
The picture on the left is from September 1974 and the one on the right is from February 2012
Directly in front of the State Library of Victoria's statue of judge, Sir Redmond Barry and here (Sept 1974)
"Not even the smartest knows where the luck is" Franek ( My Grandfather)
Rough translation from his handwriting in Polish (from a poem by Adam Asnyk) here
Rough translation from his handwriting in Polish (from a poem by Adam Asnyk) here
Keep the flame burning (needlework by my mother Maria circa 1951.)
My dad Frank sitting at front. A great shot. (circa 1945)